Saturday, July 28, 2012

Preventions And Remedies For Insect Bites And Stings

Insect bites can happen anytime and at any place which can cause either minor or major illnesses. Usual bites that we encounter came from ants, mosquitoes, cockroaches, ticks, bees and spiders. Although most of them don't possess serious health threats, you must still be cautious about this little bugs and know different home remedies for immediate self treatment.

Most of these insects are active at night because they are some what allergic to sunlight. Warm weather is another factor that causes this bugs to be more active and much likely to have physical contact with humans. They are usually found in messy areas of the house like kitchen, garage and the garden.

Mosquito bites for example seems so harmless. But there are kinds of mosquitoes who are carriers of deadly viruses like the dengue virus and the West Nile virus. Meanwhile, a bee sting and a cockroach bite can only cause skin allergic reactions but severe cases of allergic reactions are highly possible and could be deadly.
Below are some of the known bite symptoms of outdoor insects and bugs.

Swelling of the skin
Redness of the bite area
Allergic reactions
Lyme disease
Abdominal pain
Muscle cramps
Bacterial infections

To keep your household bug free and prevent frequent insect contact, you can restructure your house to ensure that it can effectively repel bugs. Use refined screens and netting in your windows and doors as defensive barriers for any types of bugs. Avoid walking in grass and stagnant areas of the house, spiders and other bug crawlers live in these areas.
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