Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Do You Find The Dark Side of Life Intriguing, Fascinating? -- Then You Might Enjoy This

Do You Find The Dark Side of Life Intriguing, Fascinating? -- Then You Might Enjoy This

Who is this fearsome man
called daddy?
When he's not drunk, he's
not so bad, he
Showers us with hugs
and kisses,
where he hurts us,
where he misses


He's our daddy
he's big and bad, he
makes us sad, he
scares us bad, he
makes us so mad, he
is our daddy


After the children were gone,
the madness came out from under cover -
came out to play
came out from behind the walls
It made its rancid presence felt
in the daily, accumulating drift
of newspapers, magazines,
and earthquaked,
fallen books
which evolved and metastasized
upon, across,
Every floor
in every room
in every corner
of that house


Too many cats
relieved themselves too many times,
in too many places,
anywhere and
no space left unattended
The defecation,
the urination
soaked deep into the books,
the magazines,
The newspaper machè
which steadily grew upon the
kitchen floor, the
bedroom floors, the
living room, bathroom
and hallway floors


Fleas flourished,
blacking out white socks
in a literal blink
Feces and vomit covered
kitchen counters, stove tops,
the top of the refrigerator
Black widow spiders
cherished and encouraged by the
woman of the house


Jane-Bear's old bed -
its mattress alive with
the "ladies" so cherished
hadn't been a place to sleep
for years
A tiny pocket of space
on the living room floor
amidst the cascaded books,
resting in unkempt heaps,
painted thickly with the dust
and cobwebs of decades,
lying there, undisturbed
This was Jane-Bear's
lair for sleeping


I cleaned it, I
put a sheet down and cried
& when she gazed on
what I had done,
When she saw her
clean, new, sheeted pocket of space,
there amongst the abandoned books,
She smiled sweetly, told me,
"it's much too good for the likes of the Bear"
And I cried,
Dear God,


He feels shredded
with love
and grief --
for the man
who is
his brother
for the man
his brother


is a screaming,
flaming cat -
A 4-legged fireball,
consumed in blazing,
sudden, sizzling death
Fear is a skeleton,
incinerated, motionless,
Evidence of
true and total disaster --
is a fiery, feline fury,
Shocked and scorched,
bombed and torched
With nowhere
left to go
But up and out
like one great shout,
While burning embers glow


Oh God just
Oh God just
go awaaay!
(Oh nooo -
Here it goes...)


And so I lie here
Under the sky here
Wish I could die here
As under, I lie here


(oh leave me alone or find me a home
where my brother's not at me all day)


God I'm soooo tired!
R u dun yet!? Had your fun yet?!
(don't get my clothes wet
'cuz I'll be in trouble, some terrible trouble
and won't know which way to go -
Under the stairs, to hide unawares?
To the tops of the trees? O-let-me-go-please!)


I sink in the ground,
all beaten and drowned
not a smile not a frown -
just my soul falling down


(All poems (c) 2005 by author)
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and visit with me a while - I wish you peace, joy, harmony and wholeness in all your endeavors!
An internationally published award-winning poet, Rev. Rebecca Guile Hudson spent her first seventeen years in a violent household, where she experienced severe mental, physical and sexual abuse. In addition to singing with the Albuquerque Symphony Adult Choir, Rev. Hudson is a certified peer counselor for the mentally ill a paraprofessional crisis/suicide line volunteer and a hypnotherapist.
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