Sunday, June 10, 2012

First Aid Treatment For Spider Bites

 Most spiders in the Untied States are not poisonous. Therefore, their bites do not cause any harm so you do not need to treat them. This allows your body to heal itself which is always the best for your continued good health. To tell if you have suffered a spider bite (and not a bite from another insect like a mosquito for example), simply look at the center of the bite mark. If you see two small indentations or holes then you most likely have a spider bite.

Some people do experience some mild symptoms or reactions to spider bites even when the spider was not poisonous. To calm your nerves and give you more knowledge so you don't get nervous in the future I will list some ways to make yourself feel better after you have had a spider bite.

Spider Bite Treatment
  • The first thing you will want to do is to clean the area where you have the spider bite to prevent any infections or other reactions from occurring. The best way to clean your bite area is with warm soap and water. Then dry your skin completely and apply an antibiotic ointment .
  • If you start to experience any swelling around the bite area or itching you may be experiencing an allergic reaction. You can stop this reaction in its tracks by taking an antihistamine .
  • If you experience any pain in the bite area you can use acetaminophen which is also called Tylenol. Tylenol is effective in reducing pain and swelling. In addition grown adults may use aspirin to reduce the swelling and pain.
  • A great way to reduce the swelling without taking any kind of medicine is to simply press a cool wet washcloth or ice pack to the bite area for 20 minutes or so. If you are using an ice pack be sure to wrap it in a small cotton cloth to keep the ice pack itself away from your skin.
If the spider that has bitten you happens to still be near by, you can easily catch it to identify that it is indeed not a poisonous spider. To catch a spider simply take a paper cup and a small piece of paper. Slowly put the paper cup over the top of the spider. Then keep the paper cup pressed against the wall or floor, and slide the paper under the top of the cup without lifting the cup up. Then lift the paper cup up being careful to keep one hand on the piece of paper to keep the spider inside the cup. You can also use a glass cup as well, however, they are heavier and sometimes harder to be slow in putting it over the top of the spider. If you move too quickly the spider will run away. By using slow movements you will discover just how easy it is to catch the spider in question.

If you have a child that is under six years old that has been bitten by a spider, you should contact your doctor right away. In addition if you experience any of these symptoms it is time to call your doctor for an appointment.
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