You'll find these types of spiders in a garage, at pool sites, on barbecue grills, or woody places. The way they bite is basically when you encounter them in a web. The bites are not always really serious to adults, but more so to children. The response a person has may be mild or very serious. The reaction also depends on the person's age and health status.
Some of the symptoms that a person may experience from this type of spider bite are:
Pain on the surface at first, which may become more internalized. When this happens, you could have:
1. A stomach ache ache that won't let go
2. Feel weak
3. Experience muscle cramps which are severe
4. Have vertigo (dizzy)
5. Experience angina (chest pains)
Most people will survive this type of spider bite unless they are small children, the elderly, or those with medical problems
First aid care at home means applying cold or warm washcloths to the site, and soaking. You can take pain relievers such as Tylenol for pain from the bite. The bite with most people should calm down and go away by itself with this minor care.
In severe cases though, medical intervention is necessary, for reasons I mentioned above. Medical treatment is to give pain relief through narcotics which are much stronger along with injections to relax muscles, (muscle relaxant).
Drugs to treat the venom are used in a few cases. This is called antivenin. Using a vial of antitoxin will promote relief of severe symptoms. The type of antivenin used is actually taken from horses. For this reason, a person may experience an allergic reaction that is not pleasant. The reaction could also take place later after injection in the form of lesions on the skin or glands which appear swollen. The use of allergy medications can help several types of reactions in the worst of cases.
Preventing the problem is not too hard if you are aware of this spider. Always look around for webs, and have a service that can spray your home to prevent webs in the first place. Watch where you are going, especially into garages in the dark or other places where you may not realize or see webs of spiders.