Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Decorative Table Top Ideas on How to Treat Your Kids to a Haunting Halloween Lunch Time of Trickery

Decorative Table Top Ideas on How to Treat Your Kids to a Haunting Halloween Lunch Time of Trickery

Decorative table top ideas are sought after by everyone, as the approaching holiday season arrives, our eyes are sharped by clever, entertaining presentations. I have designed countless numbers of dining scape's for speciality, and high end department stores, clientele parties, and lavish wedding events.

I once was informed, that I had never repeated one single display, presentation, or a table top design. This is quite a compliment, however it helps to know that two different clients would never request the same things. One of my claims to fame is that, I'm able to create, and demonstrate over one hundred napkin folds. I will share one of my unique folds in this article with you, which includes my easy to follow instructions.

The two rooms to consider for our Halloween extravaganza, first is the Kitchen a less formal area, heavier in traffic flow, however it's an ideal working space. The Dining room which seldom is used, offers a private appeal with very little interruptions . What ever your final room selection is, it will be the most incredible haunting lunch time event of the season! I have already chosen the Dining area for my ghostly gathering, it's separate from other rooms, designated for occasional holiday dining, intended for special guests, or uninvited ghosts.

Serving a healthy, and nourishing meal is most important, and allows for treats after the festive night of Trick or Treating. Theme ideas, and decorations should always generate from the menu, and visually creative dishes can also double as eatable props. Here are a few drooling suggestions, that you can easily prepare for your creatures large, and small.
  • Wraps around fingers, start with flat pita bread,tomato, spinach, or plain, spread a thin layer of creme cheese, add in personal favorites turkey, ham, bacon, grated cheddar. Roll it up forming a tube shape cut, and separate making two individual fingers. Next using one large olive sliced in half, black or green, for finger nails, stick them on with a drop of creme cheese, a natural adhesive. I don't think anyone will complain, if the Kids' want to lick these tasty fingers sandwiches!

  • Jack O' Lantern Face, a bowl of tomato soup, floating on the top are three triangular corn chips, points up for two eyes, point down for a nose, and a big high five mini cheese cracker smile, garnish of parsley on top, and soups on.

  • A tall glass of cold ghostly white milk, and a side serving of tomato juice, for all those thirsty Vampires.
Now that our menu has been decided, we're ready to dress the table. A black King- sized flat sheet, or cloth are perfect, use scrim, or a day sheer fabric as an over lay, and several battery operated votive candles to create a foggy graveyard at midnight effect. Then bellow, fluff, and crush the fabric toward the center of the display.Place various sizes of white Styrofoam rectangles as tombstones, standing, leaning, broken, and use a black marker to write haunting verbiage. Examples phrases such as, Died Laughing, Post Mortem, I. B. Dead, and the old reliable R.I.P. Display five to seven stones, in a high to low arrangement this configuration will deliver the best visual presentation for your setting.

Assorted colorful harvest gourds, yellow-orange mini pumpkins, and nature painted leaves from your yard, are fabulous fall additions to the over all setting. Wrap bandage gauze around the chairs, and suspend dozens of descending black widow spiders, by using clear fish line attached to the dining chandelier that by now, should be draped totally in webs.

Finally it's time to arrange our phantom party place settings, and prepare to serve our hungry, and eager goblin visitors. A combination of plastic, or paper dinnerware in bright purple, orange, and neon green for extra color splashes. A personalized place card is always a nice touch, ether a store purchased card of wishes, a monogram mini size pumpkin, or a crunchy rice cake tombstone treat.
Detailed accents like this spooky napkin fold suggestion, using a white cloth napkin, a clementine orange, an eighteen inch length of black ribbon, or raffia. Placed the unfolded napkin flat in the palm of your hand, lay the piece of fruit in the center of the square. Then slowly close your hand grasping the fruit, flip the napkin over, and tie a bow around the bottom of the fruit to form the ghost's head. Spread the end points of the napkin outward one or two inches, and stand your spooky ghost.

Bone- appetite!
Calm it playfully down, or really scare it up, remembering that designing is about your client, and their special event, please use appropriate guide lines, and subject matter. This article is designed to provide entertainment, encourage wholesome Kid's fun, and is recommended for ages from six to twelve years. Happy safe, Halloween!
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Donald Ramey, is a graduate of the American Academy of Art, with more than 25 years as a professional designer. He has been a highly sought-after designer for upscale department stores. He now works with private clients locally and across the country to help them define their style, choose colors, fabrics, paints, furniture, accessories, lighting and flooring that creates a wow factor for every day living. He also owns a design showroom in Naperville, Illinois.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2946454