Thursday, May 31, 2012

First Aid Treatment For Black Widow Spider Bites

A black widow spider is a spider located in the United States, Canada in the southern portion, and also Mexico. Black widow spiders that are female seem be more venomous than a male. The female spiders have colors that are orange,red, or yellow underneath, and their outer side is all black.

You'll find these types of spiders in a garage, at pool sites, on barbecue grills, or woody places. The way they bite is basically when you encounter them in a web. The bites are not always really serious to adults, but more so to children. The response a person has may be mild or very serious. The reaction also depends on the person's age and health status.
Some of the symptoms that a person may experience from this type of spider bite are:
Pain on the surface at first, which may become more internalized. When this happens, you could have:

1. A stomach ache ache that won't let go
2. Feel weak
3. Experience muscle cramps which are severe
4. Have vertigo (dizzy)
5. Experience angina (chest pains)

Most people will survive this type of spider bite unless they are small children, the elderly, or those with medical problems
First aid care at home means applying cold or warm washcloths to the site, and soaking. You can take pain relievers such as Tylenol for pain from the bite. The bite with most people should calm down and go away by itself with this minor care.

In severe cases though, medical intervention is necessary, for reasons I mentioned above. Medical treatment is to give pain relief through narcotics which are much stronger along with injections to relax muscles, (muscle relaxant).

Drugs to treat the venom are used in a few cases. This is called antivenin. Using a vial of antitoxin will promote relief of severe symptoms. The type of antivenin used is actually taken from horses. For this reason, a person may experience an allergic reaction that is not pleasant. The reaction could also take place later after injection in the form of lesions on the skin or glands which appear swollen. The use of allergy medications can help several types of reactions in the worst of cases.

Preventing the problem is not too hard if you are aware of this spider. Always look around for webs, and have a service that can spray your home to prevent webs in the first place. Watch where you are going, especially into garages in the dark or other places where you may not realize or see webs of spiders.

>>> Black Widow
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Black Widow

 Family: Characidae

Species: Gymnocorymbus ternetzi

Size: 5cm (2 inch)

Diet: Omnivorous

Tank levels: All

Habitat: Among tall plants in rivers in the Mato Grosso area, South America

Remarks: This is an ideal starter fish. A long-finned cultivated variety is shown in the image.

Comments: The Black Window's oval body is marked by three dark vertical bars; through the eye, just behind the gill-cover, and at the base of the dorsal fin. Sex is generally distinguished by the more pointed dorsal fins and broader fronted anal fins on the males, and by the plumper bodies of females. Even though they have the same name as the very deadly spider called Black Widow, they are of do threat to humans, what-so-ever.
This fish comes from the "Tropical Fish" family species of fish. I hope you enjoyed this fish profile that I put together to help people to choose the right fish for the right aquarium tank setup you may own, or be thinking of buying in the future. If you require more information about keeping fish in general and what are the right fish to choose for your tank setups, you can always visit my site called "GB Aquarium" and see what's posted new there and also join in the discussion taking place.

>>> All About Black Widow Spiders
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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

All About Black Widow Spiders

 The Black Widow spider is by far the most venomous species of animal within the United States and a single bite has the potential to kill a human being within hours. Only mature females actually carry venom, males and juveniles of both sexes pose no danger to humans.

Their lethal blends of neurotoxins reap havoc on a victim's nervous system, blood pressure, and respiratory rate; in smaller prey the strike can often lead to death almost instantly. The venom also breaks down skin, muscle, and even bone into liquid form for the Black Widow to digest, which in humans can take as little as thirty minutes to an hour. The only reason Black Widows are not one of the leading causes of death in North America is because of the spider herself. She fears humans, and will only strike when there in no other option. Even when she feels completely trapped and forced into attacking, her focus is still on escaping alive. Therefore, the Black Widow only injects a trivial amount of venom before releasing a human and running for safety. It is this reason alone that the tiny 1% fatality rate from Black Widows is not enormously greater.

Like all species of spider, the Black Widow is nocturnal and prefers to hunt prey during evening hours. The females are easily identified by their solid black color and signature red hourglass shape on their lower abdomens, while the males are closer to light brown in color with various tan markings. Both sexes weave an unsymmetrical web in various shapes and sizes that contain a stronger silk compound than any other spider.

These arachnids will also burrow into the ground to secure warmth during the winter, but are also likely to seek shelter inside a home or building during these months. The average lifespan of the female Black Widow is between nine and fifteen months, during which time she can produce in upwards of 700 offspring. Their primary diet consists of other spiders, mice, insects, moths, crickets, and other small mammals, and their greatest threat comes from predatory birds and many of the same species they feed upon.

Black Widows are normally live a life of solidarity except when mating or caring for their young, so an infestation of this species is not common unless an overwhelmingly abundant presence of insects are available. This can be avoided by removing any standing water from your property since this typically serves as a breeding ground for flies and mosquitoes. Another approach would be to make your residence less attractive to spiders by cutting back shrubbery, removing any tree limbs close to the roof, and raising firewood and any other debris at least twelve inches off of the ground.

Most spiders, including the Black Widow, only require a small crack to pass through so also make sure to thoroughly caulk every crack and crevice around the outside of the home. Also, routinely inspect areas such as doorjambs and windows to ensure a proper seal.
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Monday, May 28, 2012

One of The Most Venomous Spiders - The Black Widow Spider

 The black widow spider is considered as one of the most venomous spiders in North America. There is also a European variety around the Mediterranean and Corsica, and other species are found in Australia, South America, and a few other places. It is relatively well distributed around the world.

Adult, a black widow spider is black and shiny, with two red triangles joined in form of 8 on the abdomen. A female is from 8 to 14 mm not including legs, with legs it is about 20 to 30 mm. Adult males are only half the size of a female, they do not have the distinguishing red hourglass shape, but they sport red and yellow spots on the side of the abdomen.

It is called a black widow because of its habit to eat the male after copulation.
The habitat for this spider is preferably in a warmer climate, but it is not limited to hot areas only. They make a very strong web with a crisscross pattern of silk that make it a deadly trap for any insect who dares to land on it. Usually webs will be found outside in darker areas under bushes or near sheds, but they can also do so in a house or a garage when colder weather arrives.

It is an extremely venomous spider, its venom is 15 times more powerful than that of a rattlesnake. Its venom is dangerous to humans. While few humans die from a spider bite, because only a small amount of venom is injected, a human bitten by a black widow spider can spend a few days in excruciating pain. It is undoubtedly necessary to consult a doctor in case of a spider bite, and it would be preferable to catch the spider if possible in order to have it identified properly.

The black widow spider is exclusively insectivore / carnivore, but man is not included on its menu by default . It will normally feed on insects that it traps in its web, but it can also feed on wood lice and other spiders. When a prey is caught into the web, the widow gets out of it hiding spot, and rushes to the victim, it surrounds it with its silk thread while holding it firmly and poisoning it. When the victim does not move anymore, it inject digestive enzymes in the wounds of the prey. The black widow spider then takes its treasure back to its hiding place to eat it.

>>> Black Widow Spider
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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Black Widow Spider

 The black widow is one of the most well known and feared spiders there is. But they actually avoid living where humans do. It is not common to find them in your house. They are usually encountered in garages, wood piles or sheds. The best way to keep them out of your house, is to clean up piles of debris. Move wood piles away from your house or anything else you might have stacked next to your house. Fill cracks on your house, so they won't have places to hide and live.

The black widow is about a half an inch long. It is a false belief that the female will kill the male after they mate, that's where the name black widow comes from. There are 2 common black widows in the United States.
The southern black widow has a shiny, black, round abdomen with a red hourglass on the belly. This the one most people think of when they hear black widow.
The northern black widow has a row of red spots down the back and a cross on the belly. These markings can be yellow or white also. This species of spider may be brown or have red legs.

Black widow spiders are active at night. They usually live in dark corners. Only the female black widow bites humans, and she bites only when disturbed, especially while protecting her eggs.

Bite Symptoms
The black widows spider bite affects the victim's nervous system. Their venom is one of the most potent made by an animal. Some people are lightly affected by the venom, but others may have a very bad response. The first symptom is pain at the site of the bite. It usually takes 20 minutes to one hour after the bite for symptoms to occur. This can be very painful. More severe symptoms are nausea, vomiting, fainting, dizziness, chest pain and breathing difficulties.

Age and physical health play a big part in determining whether the bite victim will have a severe reaction or not. It affects children and the elderly worse than young people. Although, people rarely die from a black widow bite.

If symptoms are mild, you can treat them at home with cold and warm compresses and hot baths. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen can be used as pain relievers in mild cases.
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>>> Gain Sex Appeal With the Black Widow Effect

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Gain Sex Appeal With the Black Widow Effect

 If you know anything about the black widow spider, it is that she lures her victims in with her mesmerizing body and then goes in for the kill. That is what we are trying to do here, ladies. We need to lure those men by giving off a sexy vibe that will leave them begging for more. One way to do that is with sexy, simple nail designs. Simple nail designs can be made sexy by choosing provocative colors, such as black and red. Such is the black widow affect.

Simple nail designs with sex appeal
Drawing from the black widow for inspiration, we are in search for simple nail designs that consist of a black background and red foreground. The solution is easy: vixen black nail polish with 2 diagonal lines on the surface. This invokes danger with just a touch of passion.

In order to achieve this look, start off by painting your nails with black nail polish. Next, use a nail art brush to draw 2 thin red stripes on each nail. These stripes should be diagonal and pointing in the direction away from your thumb. If you decide to, one stripe can be slightly shorter than the other. That is the great thing about easy art designs; they are easy to manipulate. Let your nails dry before applying clear nail polish. This will ensure that the red nail polish does not mix with the black nail polish.

The clear nail polish adds taste to your simple nail designs and will transform you into a stylish, sex kitten on the go. Where are you going? You are going to the club, to a party, or right into the bedroom...grrr!

>>> Can a Black Widow Bite Kill You?
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Can a Black Widow Bite Kill You?

 Black widow spiders are fairly common in the Southern United States U.S. They tend to nest and hide in sheds, garages and woodpiles. This article will tell you what to do if you think you've been bitten by a black widow spider.

A black widow spider bite might feel like a slight pin prick, or you may not feel it at all. The signs to look for are two faint red spots along with some slight redness at the spot of the bite.

There might only be slight swelling of the bite area followed by some mild to slightly severe pain which will travel up or down the bitten arm or leg, and settling in the back and abdomen area.

Other symptoms might be muscle and foot pain, and your eyelids may become swollen. Black widow spiders will inject a toxin (neurotoxin) that affects the nervous system. Muscle and chest pain are some of the most common reactions to the black widow toxin. Other symptoms may be profuse perspiration, nausea, tremors, shortness of breath, and vomiting.

In more serious cases you may experience clammy skin, a weak pulse, unconsciousness, or convulsions. Only the bite of the adult female is potentially dangerous. Although painful and debilitating for a short period of time, fatalities from untreated widow bites are quite uncommon.

If you or someone you know is bitten, remain calm, collect the spider in a jar, if possible (for positive identification later) and seek medical attention as soon as possible. You should also clean the bite area with soap and water and apply ice or a cold compress over the bite area and keep it elevated to about the same level as the heart.

Finally, contact your physician, hospital or the Poison control hotline in your area for assistance. The application of a mild antiseptic like iodine or hydrogen peroxide can help control and prevent potential infection of the bite area. It is important to keep the patient calm and comfortable.

As with most cases of this sort, the eldery, very young, and persons with a history of high blood pressure are at greatest risk.

In the most extreme instances, doctors might inject calcium gluconate to neutralize the effects of the black widow toxin.

>>> Was Scarlett Johansson the Right Choice to Play the Black Widow?
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Friday, May 25, 2012

Was Scarlett Johansson the Right Choice to Play the Black Widow?

 Iron Man 2 had some fundamental flaws. It was crammed full of different story lines, plot drifts and references to the upcoming Avengers movie in 2012. One of its biggest flaws was that apart from the main character Tony Stark, the rest of the cast fell a bit flat. The worst case was Scarlett Johansson's character the Black Widow.

In the comics the Black Widow (Natalia Romanova) is a former Soviet spy who was sent to spy on Tony Starks company, but after meeting Hawkeye (played by Jeremy Renner in the Avengers) she defects to the US and becomes an agent of SHIELD. Her abilities include unmatched athleticism, expert fighting skills, and mastery over various gadgets.

Apart from one brief scene in Iron Man 2 where the Widow attacks some guards from Hammer Industries, the character has been a real disappointment. Despite the character having one of the best back stories in Marvel comics, Scarlett's portrayal made me wish fellow actor Emily Blunt had taken the role instead. Sure Johansson looks the role of Natalia Romanova, but her acting came off flat and too similar to her performances in her other movies. I call it Jenifer Aniston syndrome. The Widow is also well known for having a Russian accent, but the guys behind Iron Man 2 seemed to think it would be a good idea to leave it out even though it's an essential part of the character. Despite fan boy speculation, I doubt we'll actually see Johansson pull of a Russian accent in the Avengers movie. We'll just have to get past the butchering of the character. Also the Widow is famous for being a spy, yet her antics in Iron Man 2 seemed like she joined Tony Stark's company just to do a profile on him for Nick Fury. It's hardly corporate espionage is it?

Critics and fans have criticised how the Black Widow came off as a constant sex symbol in Iron Man 2 (car undressing scene), but that's a more of a flaw with the character itself. The Black Widow is known for doing anything that gets the job done, even if it means sleeping or flirting with the enemy.

Another reason why the Widow may be a thorn in the Avengers side is that she's not actually a full on member of the Avengers in the comics. She's primarily a SHIELD agent or an Avenger fringe member, yet Marvel have decided the Widow should be a main member of the roster come 2012. Why is this a big deal? It's because iconic Avengers members such as Ant Man (Hank Pym) and the Wasp (Janet Pym) have been left out to avoiding over crowding the roster on screen. Ant Man and the Wasp are two founding Avengers members in the comics, therefore their exclusion is likely to irritate long term fans of the comics come 2012.
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Black Widow Body Kits - Distinctive And Sexy

 One very popular auto body kit is the black widow body kit. This kit has gained in popularity over the years due in large part to it's stylish and simple design elements. It' also a very reasonably priced body kit and it is compatible with many makes and models of vehicles. The Black Widow Kit comes with a front bumper as well as side skirts, an 'intake' port, a two port exhaust rear bumper. This kit also goes by the name Spyder body kit and the BW style.

The kit is made for many models of Honda's such as the Prelude, CRX, Civic, and Accord. It is also made for many models of Acura such as Integra and RSX. The kit is also made for Ford Focus and Mustang, Mitsubishi Eclipse, and Dodge Neon.

The Black Widow kit is manufactured by many different body kit manufacturers. This fiberglass body kit is made by many popular fiberglass manufacturing companies such as VIS Racing, AIT, Ground Dynamics, Extreme Dimensions, and Sarona Design. Of course, that's not to say that all manufacturers are created equal. Make sure you spend plenty of time shopping around before you choose which manufacturer to purchase from.

This kit is very reasonably priced with most of the manufacturers charging around $700 for the front and rear bumper, and right and left side skirts. This price is before shipping and handling costs so make sure to include that price into your budget. You can also get specific parts if you don't want to get the whole kit.

Before you make your kit purchase make sure you have a qualified body shop lined up to do the installation. The best kit in the world won't look that good if it's not installed properly. Make sure that whoever you entrust to your installation is knowledgeable in sanding, priming, filling in gaps, shaving and trimming. Many times the pieces will need a little 'finessing' to get the absolute best fit and finish. If the shop or person you are planning to hire isn't experienced you could pay more and /or have a poor outcome when the job is done.

If your kit is shipped directly to the person who will do the installation, make sure that they carefully examine the order before they accept it. They need to make sure that all the parts are included as well as verifying that the parts are in good shape and aren't damaged.
No matter how much you love your car you can almost always improve it's styling as well it's performance. The black widow body kits are a great and very popular option for many makes and models. If you decide that the whole kit, or just a few pieces of it, are the best choice for you, make sure that you carefully investigate the manufacturer before you make a purchase. The kits may be great but not all the manufacturers are created equal. Also, don't trust your installation to just anyone, make sure the shop or person you choose for your installation knows what they're doing.

>>> The Black Widow Complex
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Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Black Widow Complex

 Letrodectus or black widow spiders are typically known for killing and eating the male after mating. This well-known little black creature could not possibly embody the concept of the man-eating woman any better.

Most of you know what I'm talking about here. Either you know a woman, have dated one, have watched them on TV, or are one yourself....

I'm not suggesting that ALL Black Widows are women who go from man to man; take them away from other women, and/or use and abuse them. I am merely talking about the female version of the "bad boy".

Somewhere somehow, we (and I say we, because I fall into this category), have developed a talent for either leading men around like little puppies on a leash or completely scaring them off at first site. (I personally fall into the latter category. I can barely keep them around long enough to get the leash attached to their collar.)

Black Widows are strong, confident women who carry their sexuality on their sleeves. (I should have a row of Oscar trophies for my ability to act as if I could care less if men called.) Taking after the women who have read "The Rules" is certainly NOT an option.

When it comes to dating, general fairness and rules need not apply. Only the strong survive.....and the weak get eaten (or rejected, or never called again...).

According to "The MANual", Steven Santagati claims these characteristics separate "Black Widows" from the rest of the female population:

• They have no problem blowing men off
• They know how men think
• They dress in a way that leaves their victims helpless
• They communicate with their eyes as much as they do with their bodies, and usually back up their gazes with a knowing smirk
• They're unapologetically sexy

The problem is: When does confidence equal attractiveness and when does confidence equal intimidation?

Roles have started to reverse for both men and women when it comes to dating. More and more women are doing the approaching and the asking out. Why sit back and wait for the man to approach you? While you're sitting there on your ass, a more forward woman may be snagging your man!
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>>> A Sense Of Style And Precision With Black Widow Darts

A Sense Of Style And Precision With Black Widow Darts

 If you are someone who aims for winning a championship game, then it is not only the practice that you need to focus on. Investing in Black Widow darts is another great game plan. The very innovative design and concept of this dart brand is the most preferred by many experts in this field. The steel-tip darts are equipped with shafts and movable points for excellent control. Precision on pin pointing is also one of the best offers of this type of dart. This is one of the finest darts that is within the standard.

Black Widow darts can be purchased from online and shipping is not something to worry about. Order a set today and the units will be in your hands in just a matter of days. Availing this dart set together with other darts accessories including the dart board, flights, flight savers and tune up kits will give you discounts and free shipping charges. You can have the soft-tip darts and the steel-tip darts at the price of $82 up to $136. Your choice will determine everything when it comes to purchasing this gadget of the experts.

Choosing between smooth barrel and knurled barrel is another point to consider when purchasing these darts. The barrel design determines the proper weight and is important in increasing the accuracy and precision of handling when in use. The gripping quality is brought by the vapor coatings of titanium nitride and titanium carbide to the tungsten barrel. This is a durable coating that gives these darts a very startling appearance. The spider leg shafts deliver a firm hold during flight, while the laser points coated with a rough black oxide increases the friction and prevents the darts from falling out when slowly thrown. With these features, there is no reason for not hitting that bullseye.

Here are some of the advantages on having these Black Widow darts. With the movable points, there are fewer bounce-outs. There is no spinning and rattle. There is variety of grips that you can choose from. With tungsten material, the darts are guaranteed for life. With the excellent construction, coatings and styles, this dart set is really the perfect one for you. There are many other features that you will discover as soon as these darts are within your hands. Be one of the experts. Purchase a Black Widow darts set now and intensify the competition in every game room.

>>> One of The Most Venomous Spiders
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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

One of The Most Venomous Spiders

 The black widow spider is considered as one of the most venomous spiders in North America. There is also a European variety around the Mediterranean and Corsica, and other species are found in Australia, South America, and a few other places. It is relatively well distributed around the world.

Adult, a black widow spider is black and shiny, with two red triangles joined in form of 8 on the abdomen. A female is from 8 to 14 mm not including legs, with legs it is about 20 to 30 mm. Adult males are only half the size of a female, they do not have the distinguishing red hourglass shape, but they sport red and yellow spots on the side of the abdomen.

It is called a black widow because of its habit to eat the male after copulation.

The habitat for this spider is preferably in a warmer climate, but it is not limited to hot areas only. They make a very strong web with a crisscross pattern of silk that make it a deadly trap for any insect who dares to land on it. Usually webs will be found outside in darker areas under bushes or near sheds, but they can also do so in a house or a garage when colder weather arrives.

It is an extremely venomous spider, its venom is 15 times more powerful than that of a rattlesnake. Its venom is dangerous to humans. While few humans die from a spider bite, because only a small amount of venom is injected, a human bitten by a black widow spider can spend a few days in excruciating pain. It is undoubtedly necessary to consult a doctor in case of a spider bite, and it would be preferable to catch the spider if possible in order to have it identified properly.

>>> The Dreaded Black Widow
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The Dreaded Black Widow

 "Come into my parlor said the spider to the fly," is an often quoted saying. Whoever originated it may have had this creature in mind. The mere thought of the Black Widow causes most of us to pause and even strikes fear in the hearts of some folks.

Contrary to urban legend, Black Widows do not aggressively come out to bite us. They are shy creatures that prefer to avoid contact with us or any creatures that may pose a threat to them. If disturbed, as with any spider, Black Widows will flee to a sheltered area and wait until whatever caused it to flee has passed. They tend to inhabit secluded areas, usually low to the ground, where, they are likely to avoid detection. It is this habit, however, that is the main problem. Bites usually occur when unsuspecting humans put their unprotected hands, bare feet, etc. in secluded areas, such as wood piles, shrubs & ground cover plants, rarely used boxes, occasionally used personal articles, like boots shoes stored in dark places, etc. Children's play equipment can harbor Black Widows too: Things like sand boxes, swings, play houses, etc. can have areas where these spiders may hide. Be sure to wear gloves when working in areas where Black Widows may harbor. Check footwear, that hasn't been used for some time, prior to wearing it. Periodically check children's toys and recreational equipment to minimize the chance of an unfortunate encounter.

It is the female that poses the threat when she comes in contact with humans. The bite of the Black widow may initially inflict a sharp pain or, in some cases, may not be noticed at all. However, as the venom spreads through the body, it wreaks havoc and can cause debilitating pain. Although the venom is not fatal for most people, the very young, the very old and those with hypertension can be at risk. It is important for anyone who has been bitten, regardless of age, to seek immediate medical attention.

>>> Black Widow Tetra Fact Sheet
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Black Widow Tetra Fact Sheet

 The Black Widow Tetra, Gymnocorymbus ternetzi, is a medium sized tetra, growing to about two inches (6 cm). Other names for this fish are: Black Tetra, Black Skirt Tetra and Petticoat Fish. Some people find Black widow tetras aggressive, but this is not my own observation. However, the possibility needs to be borne in mind when choosing this fish. It grows to about two inches (five and a half cm). The Black Widow Tetra is an easily kept fish. It lives about five years.

Suitable companions include nearly all the tetras. There is a doubt about putting a big Black Widow Tetra with small Neon Tetras, but all the larger tetras should be OK. Other suitable companions include nearly all other small and medium size fish like platies, swordtails, all the small and medium size barbs, all the common Rasboras, all the Danios and White Cloud Mountain Minnows. It can also be kept with small and medium size goldfish and other small coldwater fish inside. This fish, like most of the tetras is a schooling fish and is best kept in groups of at least four. It is much more likely to remain its normal peaceful self in a school than by itself.

The Black Widow Tetra comes from South American rivers including the Rio Guapore, in Bolivia and the Rio Paraguay in Paraguay. It is a tropical fish, but its range extends outside the tropics. This fish can be acclimatized (slowly!) to slightly colder water than most tetras, but it will not take very cold water. In South Australia it is not suitable for ponds in the winter, but can be kept in indoor aquariums without a heater as long as the room they are in does not get very cold. This is more likely to be successful in a larger aquarium because the water temperature will not change so rapidly.

The water in the Black Widow Tetra's natural habitat is soft and acid and this is the ideal water for the fish. However, they will adapt to harder water and more alkaline conditions. I suggest that for a mixed community tank including this tetra, a pH of 7(Neutral) should be aimed for. They can be kept in the tap water of Adelaide and the Hills as long as the Chlorine or Chloramine is removed and the pH adjusted to about 7.
Article Source:

>>> All About Black Widow Spiders

All About Black Widow Spiders

 The Black Widow spider is by far the most venomous species of animal within the United States and a single bite has the potential to kill a human being within hours. Only mature females actually carry venom, males and juveniles of both sexes pose no danger to humans.

Their lethal blends of neurotoxins reap havoc on a victim's nervous system, blood pressure, and respiratory rate; in smaller prey the strike can often lead to death almost instantly. The venom also breaks down skin, muscle, and even bone into liquid form for the Black Widow to digest, which in humans can take as little as thirty minutes to an hour. The only reason Black Widows are not one of the leading causes of death in North America is because of the spider herself. She fears humans, and will only strike when there in no other option. Even when she feels completely trapped and forced into attacking, her focus is still on escaping alive. Therefore, the Black Widow only injects a trivial amount of venom before releasing a human and running for safety. It is this reason alone that the tiny 1% fatality rate from Black Widows is not enormously greater.

Like all species of spider, the Black Widow is nocturnal and prefers to hunt prey during evening hours. The females are easily identified by their solid black color and signature red hourglass shape on their lower abdomens, while the males are closer to light brown in color with various tan markings. Both sexes weave an unsymmetrical web in various shapes and sizes that contain a stronger silk compound than any other spider.

These arachnids will also burrow into the ground to secure warmth during the winter, but are also likely to seek shelter inside a home or building during these months. The average lifespan of the female Black Widow is between nine and fifteen months, during which time she can produce in upwards of 700 offspring. Their primary diet consists of other spiders, mice, insects, moths, crickets, and other small mammals, and their greatest threat comes from predatory birds and many of the same species they feed upon.

Black Widows are normally live a life of solidarity except when mating or caring for their young, so an infestation of this species is not common unless an overwhelmingly abundant presence of insects are available. This can be avoided by removing any standing water from your property since this typically serves as a breeding ground for flies and mosquitoes. Another approach would be to make your residence less attractive to spiders by cutting back shrubbery, removing any tree limbs close to the roof, and raising firewood and any other debris at least twelve inches off of the ground.
Article Source:
>>> Watch Out For a Black Widow's Bite

Watch Out For a Black Widow's Bite

Few names cause more instant alarm than that of the Black Widow, and while usually misleading this spider has earned every bit of its name by often devouring their male counterpart while mating. Equipped with a venomous bite that is estimated fifteen times more potent that the average rattlesnake; the Black Widow is hand down the most toxic creature found within the United States. Studies reveal that less than one percent of bites end up being fatal, with resulting symptoms of difficulty breathing, muscle aches, and vomiting. Make no mistake though, this has nothing to do with our immune systems fighting off the neurotoxins; instead it is because the Black Widow rarely injects high levels of venom for unexplained reasons. This fact alone is the only reason the mortality rate remains low, and should never be forgotten when dealing with this species.

It is also interesting to note that only mature female Black Widows inject venom into their prey. They can easily be identified because of their shiny, solid black color and the trademark red hourglass shaped mark on their abdomens. Their bodies measure about a 1/2 inch in diameter with long, thin legs. Males are tan in color and also have lighter patterns, and their bodies tend to be much smaller with slightly longer legs. Juvenile Black Widows of both sexes do not possess venom either, and they often have light pale colors until they reach maturity. The Black Widow has a lifespan of less than one year but within that period can lay in excess of 750 eggs. They hatch within a month, and another two to four months are required to reach full maturity. Although birthrates are high, many juveniles of this species consume one another before reaching maturity.

Black Widows live within unevenly spun webs that are among the strongest silk varieties found, but they are also commonly spotted hiding beneath rocks, leaves, or other natural debris. Like other spiders they feed on a wide variety of insects but prefer cockroaches, beetles, and other spiders, but are also perfectly content feasting on mice, moths, flies, crickets, and other small animals. A typical attack would encompass a quick venomous strike that causes near instant paralysis or death within their prey, and within minutes the toxin begins to break down the flesh into a liquefied form. As this process takes place this arachnid engulfs its victim within sticky webbing and eventually sucks out the soft, edible interior.

As colder months approach the Black Widow will seek out a warmer environment and that usually leads them inside a home or building. This species prefers warm, damp environments so obvious hiding places inside the home would include within blankets or towels, underneath furniture, and anywhere else with possible insect traffic since they will also seek warmer environments to survive.
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>>> Black Widow Spider "Identification, Spider Bite Symptoms and Treatment"

Black Widow Spider "Identification, Spider Bite Symptoms and Treatment"

 The black widow is one of the most well known and feared spiders there is. But they actually avoid living where humans do. It is not common to find them in your house. They are usually encountered in garages, wood piles or sheds. The best way to keep them out of your house, is to clean up piles of debris. Move wood piles away from your house or anything else you might have stacked next to your house. Fill cracks on your house, so they won't have places to hide and live.

The black widow is about a half an inch long. It is a false belief that the female will kill the male after they mate, that's where the name black widow comes from. There are 2 common black widows in the United States.

The southern black widow has a shiny, black, round abdomen with a red hourglass on the belly. This the one most people think of when they hear black widow.

The northern black widow has a row of red spots down the back and a cross on the belly. These markings can be yellow or white also. This species of spider may be brown or have red legs.

Black widow spiders are active at night. They usually live in dark corners. Only the female black widow bites humans, and she bites only when disturbed, especially while protecting her eggs.

Bite Symptoms
The black widows spider bite affects the victim's nervous system. Their venom is one of the most potent made by an animal. Some people are lightly affected by the venom, but others may have a very bad response. The first symptom is pain at the site of the bite. It usually takes 20 minutes to one hour after the bite for symptoms to occur. This can be very painful. More severe symptoms are nausea, vomiting, fainting, dizziness, chest pain and breathing difficulties.

Age and physical health play a big part in determining whether the bite victim will have a severe reaction or not. It affects children and the elderly worse than young people. Although, people rarely die from a black widow bite.

If symptoms are mild, you can treat them at home with cold and warm compresses and hot baths. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen can be used as pain relievers in mild cases.
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